Hypnotherapy in dentistry



Hypnosis In Dentistry

Hypnotherapy in dentistry
Hypnosis in dentistry

There are a lot of adults and children who experience anxiety whenever they go to their dentist. Sedation is one option to help them cope with this phobia. In this case, the dentist will choose the best type of sedation that will be administered to their patients. The determination depends on the procedure that the patient is undergoing. But Sedation doesn’t have to be with drugs.

What is sedation through hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a technique where a patient’s mind is put on hold against distractions and increases concentration on the things that the dentists wants you to concentrate on. This is a temporary and voluntary procedure. As a part of Psychotherapy, it is not in itself a treatment but, it facilitates other treatments to be done to the patients. This is very applicable in dentistry.

Statistic shows that there are more than 70% cases of dental procedure that were successful using, hypnotherapy. Hypnosis in dentistry is effective as an anesthetic and also analgesic. The patients testify that there is no pain felt during the length of the procedure.

What can you feel under hypnosis?

If you have not yet experienced how it is to be under hypnotherapy, here is the list of things to you can use hypnosis for:

  1. Feeling relaxed. The dentist will speak to you and suggest to you to relax and your mind and muscle responds to his/her voice.
  2. Control of the gag reflex. If you are one of those who feel like vomiting whenever your dentist asks you to open your mouth, hypnosis will let you control your gag reflex.
  3. Teeth grinding and doing it unconsciously will be prevented.
  4. Reduced pain on the facial muscles. During and after dental treatment, there are times when your facial muscles feel sore. This is true if you have a major dental procedure done. With hypnosis, your concentration will be diverted from the pain. Therefore, you don’t feel pain during or after the dental procedure.

Who qualifies for hypnotherapy in dentistry?

Hypnotherapy may not be effective if the patient cannot respond to the dentist’s instruction. If the patient is in hysterical stage, or he cannot understand instructions because of the shortage of mental capacity to follow instructions, hypnosis will not be effective. Lack of understanding may be due to:

  1. Patients who are too young often can’t follow direction (although kids have a very high level of responding to hypnosis).
  2. Mentally retarded.
  3. Unable to understand the language. Language can be a barrier between the dental practitioner and the patient.

How to determine qualified dentist to perform hypnosis?

Now that patients are flocking on the path of sedation in dentistry, many dentists are training for this method. Dentists who are well-trained in hypnosis must be a member of one or more of these associations to insure their expertise:

  • AHA- American Hypnosis Association (National Association of Hypnotherapists)
  • AAPH –American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists
  • American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

Here is a video on Hypnosis in Dentistry

Hypnosis is a psychiatric method wherein dental procedures are easily done. Through it, patients can be more concentrated on their relaxation and not so much on the procedure, and be more responsive and less distracted by the pain.

By: Ladan Zinati


  1. Hypnosis: Can It Function As Sedation In Dentistry? | St James Dental Group
    December 17, 2014

    […] Hypnosis in Dentistry, Read More […]

  2. Problems Associated With IV Sedation In Dentistry
    April 19, 2015

    […] explanation will assure and ensure you that you will be handled expertly. You may also want to try hypnosis, which is a lot […]

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