There are 3 types of dental insurance:
1: Indemnity: You are able to go to any dentist of your choice. This dental insurance is normally offered by your employer.
3: DHMO: A dental health-maintenance organization plan.
How it works: You are not able to choose a dentist of your choice, you have to choose a dentist within the plan’s network only, and you are not able to go to any other dentist unless you call your plan and have them change you to another office which normally takes a month. This type of plan is offered by your employer and some have individual coverage. Routine services are usually fully covered. For minor and major services, there are co-payments that vary plan to plan and there are lots of services that are not covered because they are considered cosmetic or an upgrade.
In summary, you get the best coverage with indemnity and ppo dental insurance with less out of pocket cost, but your yearly coverage is limited to your dental insurance maximum for the year.
We offer monthly payment plans with no interest. Please call 323-771-7254 for more information.
By: Ladan Zinati
Confused About Dental Insurance coverage? | St James Dental Group
September 6, 2013[…] Dental Insurance: Read more […]
October 7, 2013This is a great post Dr. Z. It really makes you understand the difference between insurances out there.
October 20, 2013Thank you Angelina. A lot of people really don’t know what dental insurance is all about and what types there are they can choose from.
January 12, 2014… [Trackback]
[…] Read More here: dentistcudahyca.com/confused-about-dental-insurance/ […]
January 17, 2014… [Trackback]
[…] Read More: dentistcudahyca.com/confused-about-dental-insurance/ […]
January 18, 2014… [Trackback]
[…] Read More: dentistcudahyca.com/confused-about-dental-insurance/ […]
Gary R
January 30, 2014This is a great article! I have for years tried to figure out the complex world of dental insurance, how to apply for coverage, the different options that are available and so on.
February 2, 2014Thank you Gary. I am glad my article was a great help to you in getting some answers about dental insurance.
Dental Services Covered By Medi-Cal For AdultsAffordable Dentist In Los Angeles
September 28, 2014[…] Dental care IS LINKED to systemic health. Adults who have not had dental care for many years due to no dental benefits, need to get to the dentist ASAP because from what we have seen 100% of the patients who have come […]
December 14, 2014I just wanted to tell you thank you for this post because last week I read it and it helped me a lot when my company was offering me dental insurance, I was able to choose the best one for me.
December 14, 2014I am so glad to be of help.
December 14, 2014I am so happy to be of help.