Dental Implants And Bridges

Dental implants and bridges are both considered as part of dentistry in replacing missing teeth since losing any teeth can have lots of consequences both dentally and medically. One of the medical complications is ineffective digestion of your food. There are several complications from missing teeth that will affect your mouth as well. In recent years, they have become popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry since a great smile counts on a great set of teeth.

If you are one of those who wants to regain both the cosmetic and functional advantages of a complete set of teeth, you might be considering any of the two. But, which would be a better option, implants or bridges?

What is a dental bridge and how is it done?

A dental bridge is a replacement of missing tooth or teeth. The dentist prepares the 2 adjacent teeth to where the missing tooth is and take an impression, send it to the lab. The lab fabricates the bridge which is the shape of your own teeth. Then your dentist will cement or bond the bridge to the prepped teeth (just like a crown). The bridge material is usually porcelain, but can be other material s well.  This will prevent the movement of the adjacent teeth into the space where the tooth is missing. It will look like you have not lost any tooth at all.  

The bridge is referred to the artificial teeth crown and bridge attachment over the space of the gum. It prevents teeth from moving and creating large spaces between the teeth. The bridge can also serve as a protection to weaker teeth.

What is dental implant?

Dental implant uses titanium screws to be surgically placed into the jawbone. After the screws are installed, the gums are given time to heal before the crown will be placed on it. This procedure will take 3-6 months at most.

The requirement for implants is that you should have a enough bone for support of the implant. Otherwise, you will need a procedure called bone graft first. This will cost you additional fee for the additional job. If this procedure is needed, it will take additional time for healing.

You will be happy with the advantages of implants. Unlike partials, you do not need to worry if they will be loose. They do not require you to use adhesive every time you wear them. Unlike bridges, there is no preparation of the adjacent teeth, so you don’t have to touch good teeth. Also, no need to worry about it developing a cavity. It feels like your original teeth. It also lasts longer. Some people enjoy lasting teeth for the rest of their lives with implants.

There are two types of implants that exist. They are the mini implants and the traditional implants. Mini implants have slimmer screws which are less that 3mm in diameter compared to the traditional. There is also a disadvantage to this. Slimmer screws do not last long. They only last for 5 to 10 years. Traditional screws last for as long as you live if there is no complications.

Implants and bridges are both dental procedures that reconstruct missing teeth. The difference between them is the materials and the techniques involved and the longevity of them.

Watch this short video which explains the pros and cons of dental bridge and dental implant


Hope this will give you a better idea of the difference between dental implants and bridges so you can make an informed decision what is best for you.

By: Ladan Zinati

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